Sponsored Projects Procedures

Include Subrecipients in a Proposal Budget

Research, Sponsored Projects   |   Approved October 9, 2015


Prepare and submit a proposal that includes a subrecipient.


Investigators and administrators preparing proposal budgets that include funds for a collaborating organization (subrecipient). For more information on this topic, review the Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) website on .



  1. Gather required documents from the proposed subrecipient. The following are required for SPA review:
    1. Budget, including direct and facilities & administrative (F&A) costs. 
      1. If the proposal is for federal funds, download and complete the subrecipient budget form, available on the .
      2. The F&A rate used for this budget is the subrecipient’s rate.
        1. For federal proposals, if the subrecipient does not have a rate negotiated with the U.S. Government, a de minimis rate of 10% of modified total direct costs may be applied in accordance with the
    2. Budget justification; detail should conform to sponsor proposal instructions.
    3. Scope of work describing the portion of the project that the subrecipient investigators plan to do.
    4.  completed and signed by subrecipient’s authorized official.
  2. Enter data, budget, and attachments in Kuali Research.
    1. Information about Kuali Research proposal entry and approval is available on the Kuali Research and .
  3. Communicate with the subrecipient when the proposal has been submitted and when the sponsor has made a determination on the proposal.
  4. If the proposal is funded, follow the procedure for Request a New Subaward.
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