Academic Affairs Policies


UMB Policy on Awarding Honorary Degrees

Academic Affairs   |   Approved October 16, 2019

Responsible VP/AVP

Roger Ward, EdD, JD, MSL, MPA

Revision History

Approved January 1, 2011; Amended October 16, 2019.

Policy Statement

The Board of Regents approves the awarding of an Honorary Degree upon recommendations from the Chancellor and the President of the campus making the recommendation.

Recommendations shall be submitted to the UMB President, by the Dean, at least six (6) months prior to the proposed conferring of the degree.

The recommendation(s) for Honorary Degree should come as a letter to the President, written by the Dean or Provost, including:

  1. name of the potential recipient;
  2. date which the Honorary Degree is to be effective;
  3. justification that the individual:
    • a. has risen to a position of eminence in their chosen field or who has acquired a national or international reputation in a selected field of endeavor;
    • b. has compiled a record of distinguished public service to the community, State or nation; or
    • c. has performed a particular feat of heroism (astro- nauts, explorers, military leaders, etc.)
  4. a biographical sketch of the proposed recipient.

Upon concurrence of the recommendation, the President will submit to the Chancellor:

  1. the type of Honorary Degree to be awarded;
  2. a biographical sketch of the proposed recipient;
  3. justification for awarding the degree; and
  4. probable date of award.

The Chancellor shall submit the request to the Board for consideration and shall inform the President of the institution of the Board's decision.

If the Board approves the recommendation, the recipient of the Honorary Degree must be present at commencement to have the honor bestowed upon him/her.

Following each commencement, the President shall report to the Chancellor all Honorary Degrees awarded.

The President will follow appropriate USM policy and procedures when considering a revocation of any previously awarded honorary degree.

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