Administration Policies


UMB Notice of Non-Discrimination

Administration   |   Approved January 31, 2025

Responsible VP/AVP

Dawn M. Rhodes, DBA, MBA

Revision History

Approved by the President, July 1994; Amended effective October 9, 2012 [nondiscrimination definition, per USM VI 1.05]; Revised March 30, 2015; Revised October 1, 2015; Revised March 7, 2016

Policy Statement

The 爆料公社, Baltimore (“UMB”) complies with state and federal law and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin or ancestry, sex, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, physical or mental disability, marital status, protected veteran's status, or any other legally protected classification.

Policy Statement

UMB prohibits discrimination against students, faculty, staff, and applicants for admission or employment, on the basis of any legally-protected characteristic, in admissions, financial aid, educational services, housing, student programs and activities, recruitment, hiring, employment, appointment, promotion, tenure, demotion, transfer, layoff or termination, compensation, selection for training and professional development, and employee services. UMB also prohibits harassment, including acts of violence, on the basis of any legally-protected characteristic, at UMB and in connection with UMB’s programs and activities. This policy also prohibits retaliation against any student, faculty, staff, or applicant for admission or employment who asserts a claim of discrimination under this policy or one who participates in an investigation of a complaint of discrimination.

Additional information about UMB’s nondiscrimination and antiharassment policies and procedures are located at /titleix/policies-and-procedures/ or can be  found in the UMB Policy Library located at /policies-and-procedures/.

Internal Reporting and Inquiries

Reports of discrimination, including harassment, or inquiries regarding UMB’s nondiscrimination and antiharassment policies and procedures, including the UMB Title IX policy (VI-1.60(A)), may be submitted to the following:

  1. Executive Director of Civil Rights Resolutions and Title IX Coordinator 

    Tim Koch, JD, PhD

    Office of Accountability and Compliance

    620 West Lexington Street
    Baltimore, MD 21201
    Phone: 410-706-1852
    Website: /titleix/

  2. UMB EthicsPoint Hotline


Phone (866-594-5220)

External Agencies That Address Discrimination Complaints

For further information on non-discrimination, including Title IX inquiries, or to file an external complaint, individuals may contact the following governmental agencies.

  1. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR)

U.S. Department of Education

The Wanamaker Building, Ste. 515

100 Penn Square East

Philadelphia, PA 19107

Phone: 1-800-421-3481

  1. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

10 S. Howard Street, Third Floor

Baltimore, MD  21201


TTY 800-669-6820

  1. Maryland Commission on Civil Rights (MCCR)

6 St. Paul Street, Suite 900

Baltimore, MD  21202



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