Academic Affairs Policies


UMB Policy Concerning the Scheduling of Academic Assignments on Dates of Religious Observance; Campus Space for Faith-Based or Religious Practices

Academic Affairs   |   Approved September 17, 2024

Responsible VP/AVP

Patty Alvarez, PhD, MS

Applies to Faculty, Staff, Students

Revision History

Previously approved by the President on October 1, 1992

Policy Statement

It is the policy of the 爆料公社, Baltimore (“University”) to provide academic accommodation for a student if a student’s observance of a sincerely held faith-based or religious belief or participation in a religious activity affects the student’s ability to take an examination as scheduled or to satisfy another academic requirement, and to provide on-campus space to reasonably accommodate observance of faith-based and religious practice. We are committed to fostering an inclusive campus environment that upholds our core values. This policy reflects our dedication to supporting religious diversity as a vital part of our community.

A. Reasonable Accommodation

  1. Reasonable accommodation for a student to observe faith-based or religious holidays and participate in faith-based or religious activities, may include an excused absence or a reasonable alternative accommodation, consistent with the University and school policies and procedures.
  2. An accommodation is reasonable if it does not impose an undue hardship on the University, does not fundamentally alter the school or program technical standards, academic integrity, essential requirements or nature of the course or program, or affect the student’s ability to satisfy minimum academic requirements.
  3. Reasonable accommodation should be requested by a student in advance, whenever possible. In some cases, a reasonable accommodation will be determined through an interactive process between the campus, school, program stakeholders, and the student, and sufficient time is necessary for this process. Please refer to your school or program absence policy.
  4. An excused absence as a reasonable accommodation under this policy should not impact grades or other measures of a student’s academic performance.
  5. If a student’s specific accommodation request is denied, a school should discuss with the student alternate accommodations consistent with institutional policy and procedures.

    B. Campus Space for Religious Practice

    1. The University will provide on-campus space to reasonably accommodate the observance of faith-based and religious practice.
    2. Depending on circumstances and location, space may be shared with other members of the University community who are engaging in a variety of faith-based and religious observances, and with individuals engaged in other similar activity.
    3. Decisions about campus space for religious practice will be made by the Dean or VP responsible for control of the space, in consultation with the University Office of the Vice President of Student Affairs where necessary.

      C. Policy and Procedure Dissemination and Grievance Reporting

      The University and Schools will disseminate this policy to all members of the University community along with procedures, including the grievance process for reporting complaints: /umbhotline/



       A.  Student Instructions

      1.  Follow procedures of the school and program to request an excused absence or other reasonable accommodation to observe a faith-based or religious holiday or activity that affects the student’s ability to take an examination as scheduled or satisfy another academic requirement.
      2. Request an accommodation in advance, before or at the beginning of each course, experiential learning opportunity, or other activity, whenever possible. Please refer to your school, program, and/or clinical or experiential learning site absence policy.
      3. Engage with the school, program, and/or a clinical or experiential learning site when a reasonable accommodation may need to be determined through an interactive process.   The final decision for reasonable accommodations at a clinical or experiential placement is made by the clinical or experiential site in consultation with your school or program.
      4. To report a grievance about this policy or its implementation file a report through the University’s Hotline located at /umbhotline/

        B.  School Instructions

        1. Publicize this policy and procedure, using the link to this policy on the Office of University Policy and Procedures website, on an appropriate school website. Post school procedures including the contact information for the Point-of-Contact and the process for reporting grievances under this policy.  Include information about this policy and school procedures in new student orientation materials and student handbooks as well as faculty orientation materials and handbooks.
        2. Designate a person or office to be the school Point-of-Contact for administration of this policy. The Point-of-Contact will engage in an interactive process with the student, course instructors, preceptors who need to participate in the accommodation process, and representatives from clinical or experiential education sites, if needed.
        3. The Point-of-Contact will:

          a. Inform students of the location of school or campus space available to reasonably accommodate    the observance of faith-based and religious practices. Explain there are rules governing the availability and use of the space. 

          b. Develop and execute a plan to implement this policy and procedure as well as student and school requirements. The plan should ensure that faculty update course syllabi, clinical and didactic course attendance policies, websites, and any existing processes, forms, and guidelines related to reasonable student accommodation for the practice of religious and faith-based beliefs.

          c. Respond to student requests and engage in an interactive process with course instructors, school personnel, clinical and experiential preceptors, and university administrators, as necessary to facilitate reasonable accommodation under this policy.

          d. Interact with the UMB Chief Student Affairs Officer for technical assistance in administering this policy, including questions about providing reasonable accommodation and issues related to on-campus space to accommodate faith-based and religious practice.

          e. Direct those with grievances to file a report through the University’s Hotline located at /umbhotline/ for review and response.

          f. Inform students they should request an accommodation well in advance – before or at the beginning of each course, for all anticipated religious observances and activities requiring reasonable accommodation to ensure adequate time to determine and implement a reasonable accommodation.


          C.  Faculty Instructions

          Each course instructor, faculty member, and the School Point-of-Contact who receives a student request for an excused absence or other reasonable accommodation to observe a faith-based or religious holiday or activity that affects a student’s ability to take an examination as scheduled or satisfy another academic requirement will:

          1. Accept the sincerity of a student’s faith-based or religious belief.
          2. Include in each course syllabus a link to University and school information about the campus policy, school procedures, and contact information for the school’s Point-of-Contact for student religious accommodation requests and grievances.
          3. Inform students they should request an accommodation for all anticipated religious holidays and activities in advance, before or at the beginning of each course whenever possible to ensure adequate time to determine and implement a reasonable accommodation.
          4. Keep student requests for reasonable accommodation confidential and only share information with individuals at the institution who have a legitimate educational interest.
          5. Arrange or refer students to the appropriate school or program process for scheduling an alternative time and date for administration of a missed or alternative exam or another academic requirement when reasonable.
          6. Engage in an interactive process with clinical and experiential preceptors and other stakeholders as necessary to facilitate reasonable accommodation under this policy.
          7. Engage with the school Point-of-Contact and the UMB Chief Student Affairs Officer for technical assistance in administering this policy, for help with questions about providing reasonable accommodation under this policy, and to discuss issues related to use of on-campus space to accommodate faith-based and religious practices.
          8. Direct those with grievances to the UMB Hotline for review and response.

            D. Grievances

            The University non-discrimination grievance procedure is administered by the UMB Office of Accountability and Compliance.  To report noncompliance with this policy, see: /policies-and-procedures/library/administration/policies/vi-100c.php or /umbhotline/ 


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