Administration Policies


Policy for Reporting Suspected Vulnerable Adult Abuse and Neglect

Administration   |   Approved September 9, 2024

Responsible VP/AVP

Susan C. Buskirk, DM, MS

Applies to Faculty, Staff


This Policy provides direction and guidance to the 爆料公社 Baltimore ("UMB”) community on the application of Maryland mandatory vulnerable adult maltreatment.

Policy Statement

Maryland law requires health practitioners, police officers, and human service workers (social workers and caseworkers) to report suspected abuse of vulnerable adults to the local department of social services. See Maryland Annotated Code, Family Law 14-101, 14-102, 14-103, and 14-104.

A vulnerable adult is anyone over 18 years of age who lacks the physical or mental capacity to provide for their daily needs. Reports shall be made telephonically, through direct communication, or in writing to the local social services department as soon as possible. Reporting does NOT require proof that vulnerable adult abuse or neglect has occurred.

Maryland law and this Policy offer immunity from reprisal to any member of the campus community for making a good faith report of vulnerable adult maltreatment. By following the provisions of the USM Policy and UMB’s Procedures Reporting Suspected Vulnerable Adult Abuse and Neglect in good faith, you will have met your obligations under the law and this policy to report suspected child and elder maltreatment.

Reporting to UMB

After reporting elder abuse or neglect, you must promptly report to the UMB Chief Accountability Officer via the UMB Hotline, 1-866-594-5220.

Guidance and Support

UMB’s Procedures for Reporting Suspected Vulnerable Adult Abuse and Neglect provide detailed procedures for reporting.


Elder Abuse or Neglect: Intentional or negligent act by any person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to an older adult. It is a term used to describe five subtypes of elder abuse:

• Physical abuse
• Financial fraud
• Scams and exploitation
• Caregiver neglect and abandonment
• Psychological abuse
• Sexual abuse

Roles and Responsibilities

Office or Role

• The UMB Chief Accountability Officer, through the UMB Hotline, is responsible for receiving reports on behalf of UMB.

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