Facilities Procedures

Lease Space in Non-UMB Facilities

Administration, Facilities   |   Approved October 1, 2015


Lease space or facilities off campus.


±¬ÁϹ«Éç, Baltimore (UMB) management level employees.


  1. Determine the following information:
    • Location of space or facility (street address, city, state, zip code),
    • Landlord (name, phone number and mailing address),
    • Size (RSF, rentable square footage),
    • Description of spaces needed (number of offices, conference rooms, labs, etc.),
    • When space/facility will be needed (start date), and
    • Lease terms:
        1. Length,
        2. Renewal options,
        3. Operating expenses (utilities, taxes, housekeeping, IT, security, telephones, maintenance, etc),
        4. Parking spaces,
        5. Cost/RSF,
        6. CAM (common area maintenance) costs,
        7. Tenant fit out – base and additional, and
        8. Other terms.
  2. Ensure proper approvals.
    • If the request originates from one of the schools on campus seek approval of the appropriate dean.
    • If the request originates from an administrative department seek approval from the appropriate vice president.
  3. Identify fund source for lease.
  4. Submit lease request to Office of Capital Budget and Planning by one of the following methods:
    • Email
    • Hard Copy, Saratoga Building, 220 Arch Street, Room 02-113, Baltimore, MD 21201
    • Fax to (410) 706-0675
    • Telephone 6-7830
  5. The Office of Capital Budget and Planning will contact requestor within five (5) business days.
  6. Once lease details have been finalized, Office of Capital Budget and Planning will forward request to University Counsel to develop draft lease.
  7. Draft lease reviewed in house by conference between Requestor and Capital Budget & Planning.
  8. University Counsel incorporates any revisions to the lease and forwards draft to Landlord for review.
  9. Lease is finalized for signature.
  10. Landlord signs three (3) copies of the lease agreement and returns signed copies to Capital Budget and Planning.
  11. Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance signs copies of lease on behalf of the ±¬ÁϹ«Éç, Baltimore.
  12. Copies of fully executed lease are sent to landlord, the requesting unit, and University Counsel.
  13. Requesting unit develops requisition with fully executed lease attached and submits to Procurement.
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