Parking Procedures

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Administration, Parking   |   Approved May 24, 2022


To define the valid use of Electric Charging Stations in campus garages operated by Parking and Transportation Services. 


Electric vehicle charging stations are available within UMB garage facilities on campus. Faculty, staff, students, and visitors may use these stations to charge their bybrid/electric vehicles using UMB approved charging units.



  1. Charging of electric vehicles is limited to electric vehicle charging station stalls only.
  2. Customers may not use electrical outlets in parking facilities for personal vehicle charging.
  3. Use of electric wall outlets, for purposes of charging electric vehicles, which are not designated for use by electric vehicles is subject to an EV Charging Violation of $100 as of Oct 1, 2022 (SB146 Vehicle Law-Plug in Electric Drive Vehciles).
  4. Electric vehicle charging station stalls may be closed for maintenance and construction.
  5. Parking in electrical charging station stalls is restricted to vehicles actively charging.
    • There will continue to be no fee for the first four hours of EV charging.
    • After four hours, there will be a 30-minute grace period to give parkers who use EV time to move their vehicles from the charging stations. 
    • After the grace period, a $2-per-hour fee will be charged to the credit card on file with ChargePoint. The charging fee will not exceed $10 per day.
    • Vehicles that are left in EV spaces must be plugged in and charging. Violators will be subject to a parking citation issued by UMB Public Safety.
  6. The University assumes no responsibility or liability for damage to vehicles using the electrical charging stations or electrical wall outlets.



1. EV Charging Station Violation $100

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