Parking Procedures

Parking Garage Access Issue

Administration, Parking   |   Approved January 13, 2016


To assist monthly parkers at the 爆料公社, Baltimore (UMB) when garage access issues arise.


Monthly parkers at UMB may have issues entering or exiting garages if they have forgotten their card, are in a passback situation, or in a range of other potential situations.

Please note all refunds are disbursed thru the Central Payroll Bureau within the bi-weekly payroll distribution process and are subject to a tax deduction.   In addition to the instructions below, the following rules apply to processing refunds:

As of January 1, 2017, UMB Parking and Transportation Services changed the refund policy. The new policy will changed the number of allowable refunds from three to one within a twelve month period.

  • Payroll deduction parkers will be limited to one refund in a 12 month period.
  • Receipts older than 30 days will not be honored.
  • To request a refund you must have the original receipt from the garage attendant.



  1. If the customers received a passback emssage they should:
    1. Contact the Cashier’s Office at SMC Campus Center, Lower Level, Room 002 for further information.
  2. If the customer surrenders a spitter ticket

    1. If they didn’t obtain an appropriate voucher from the cashier office to leave the garage, the customer will be charged the visitor rate.
    2. The customer may request a receipt for a possible refund and will need to go to Cashier’s Office at SMC Campus Center, Lower Level, Room 002.
  3. If the customer does not have a ticket

    1. The customer will be charged from the time and date of the last use. This is considered a lost ticket.

Forgot access card

  1. If customer has no access card upon entry:
    1. When the monthly parker enters the garage without their access card, they should pull a ticket.
    2. Proceed to Cashier’s Office at SMC Campus Center, Lower Level, Room 002, between 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. that same day in order to receive a voucher to exit the garage without incurring any additional fees. 
  2. If customer has no access card upon exit:
    1. When the monthly parker drives up to the garage cashier’s window upon exit and doesn’t have their access card, they will be asked if they took a ticket when entering the facility.
      1. If they did, they must be charged the visitor rate and given a receipt.
      2. If they do not, the cashier will process a manual ticket and charge the visitor rate and give the monthly parker a receipt.
    2. The monthly parker will be instructed to take their permit, access card, and receipt to the cashiers office at Cashier’s Office at SMC Campus Center,Lower Level, Room 002 within 30 days for a possible refund.
  3. If customer has access card on entry, not on exit:
    1. The cashier will process a manual ticket.
    2. All monthly parkers will be charged the visitor rate and be given a receipt.
    3. The monthly parker will be instructed to take their permit, access card, and receipt to the cashiers office at SMC campus center within 30 days for a possible refund.
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