External Relations Policies


UMB Policy and Procedures Concerning Internal Alumni Associations

External Relations   |   Approved June 18, 2015

Responsible VP/AVP

James L. Hughes, MBA

Applies to Staff

Revision History

Approved by President 6/18/2015

Policy Statement

I. Policy

Pursuant to the Board of Regents Policy on Alumni Associations (BOR IX-4.00), approved on August 27, 1993 (the “Board Policy”), the 爆料公社, Baltimore (“UMB”) hereby recognizes the alumni associations (the “Associations”) listed on Exhibit A as Internal Alumni Associations.  The purposes of each of the Associations shall be:

1)                  To foster and promote the general welfare of UMB and, more specifically, the professional school represented by the alumni members of the Association;

2)                  To advocate for public and/or private support for the benefit of UMB and the school represented by the alumni members of the Association; and

3)                  To provide educational, charitable, or cultural activities for the benefit of the alumni and friends of the school supported by the Association.

The Associations, as internal alumni associations under the Board Policy, shall be operated as activities of their respective schools and therefore legally as part of UMB.  The operations and activities of the Associations shall be subject to applicable UMB and University System of Maryland policies and procedures, including policies and procedures governing UMB procurements.  School alumni who are members of the Associations may exercise substantial authority with respect to their Associations’ activities in accordance with this Policy, the UMB-approved By-Laws of the Associations, and policies of UMB and the 爆料公社 Baltimore Foundation, Inc. (“UMBF”).

As part of UMB, the Associations may be assigned appropriate staff and budgets by their respective schools, within School and State budget constraints, based on the needs of the Associations, and may use School space for Association meetings and Association sponsored activities, as well as secretarial, clerical and other office support services as necessary to support the operations of the Associations.  Members of the Associations may be appointed to related School and UMB committees when appropriate.

The President of UMB, as the “Responsible Official” identified in the Board Policy, shall be the official ultimately responsible for the Associations, including monitoring compliance with the Board Policy, this Policy, and other applicable UMB policies and procedures.  The President delegates these responsibilities to the Vice President for Development and Alumni Relations (“VPDAR”).  The President retains the authority to terminate the recognition of any Association should that Association not comply with applicable policies and procedures.

The VPDAR is responsible for overseeing (i) activities of the Associations and (ii) development of alumni programs consistent with State and UMB policies.  The dean of each school at UMB having an Association shall designate a senior administrator of the School as the “School Alumni Administrator” who will work with the dean and the Office of Development and Alumni Relations to develop a strong relationship with the Association and promote its compliance with relevant UMB, USM and UMBF policies.  A dean may be designated as the School Alumni Administrator.  Other persons may be designated subject to the approval of the VPDAR.

II. Policy and Procedures

  1. Alumni of a School or a program within a School may adopt By-Laws for an Association, including but not limited to provisions establishing:  a) criteria for becoming a member of an Association;  b) the Association’s executive board, including its duties and responsibilities, committees, and officers; c) rules for election of officers and/or the executive board, if applicable; d) formation and recognition of chapters; e) the number and time of meetings and f) (unless waived by the relevant Dean) the establishment of a committee to assist the School in the Annual Fund and other fund-raising campaigns.  Proposed By-Laws and any amendments of By-Laws must be submitted by an Association to the relevant School Alumni Administrator.  The VPDAR will review the relevant By-Laws documents with the School’s Dean.  If the Dean recommends that the By-Laws documents be adopted, the School Alumni Administrator will forward them to the VPDAR.  The VPDAR will review By-Laws documents for consistency with this Policy and the Board Policy, and work with the Associations and Dean’s offices to resolve any inconsistencies through appropriate modifications of the submitted By-Laws.  The VPDAR will consult with other University and UMBF officials as needed prior to recommending approval.  Final approval of By-Laws and amendments may be given only by the VPDAR.
  2. The relevant Dean and the VPDAR shall be ex officio members of each Association and its executive board.
  3. The School Alumni Administrator and the VPDAR must receive notice of all executive board and annual meetings of Associations, and may attend any such meetings.
  4. Association funds may be (a) deposited in a UMB account established by the Association’s school or (b) deposited in an authorized account in UMBF.  These deposit rules apply to all funds received by an Association, including but not limited to membership fees, gifts, activity fees, and all other revenues generated by any Association.  Association funds payable to UMB, a UMB school, or an Association are to be held within a UMB account established for the relevant Association under (a), above.  If Association funds are payable to UMBF or the Association’s specific account in UMBF, the funds may be deposited in a UMBF account under (b) above.  An Association may not open private bank accounts in the name of UMB, the Association, UMBF, any other entity, or any individual.
  5. Association funds deposited in a UMB account may not be transferred to any non-UMB account, including any accounts managed and/or held by UMBF.  State funds, including any budget provided to an Association maintained in that Association’s UMB account, may not be transferred to any non-UMB account.
  6. An Association’s account(s) in UMBF will be established in accordance with the terms contained in an account agreement between the Association’s School and UMBF.  Any such account shall be managed and disbursed in accordance with the policies of UMBF.
  7. All Association accounts within UMB or UMBF will be overseen by the Office of Development and Alumni Relations in coordination with the relevant Association and as outlined in the Association’s By-Laws.  All Association accounts will require the signature of the School Alumni Administrator.
  8. State procurement law and related UMB procurement policies and procedures shall be followed for all procurements funded by an Association’s UMB accounts, including accounts supported by funds transferred to a UMB account from an Association account in UMBF.  Any contracts and payments by UMB relating to Association business or activities shall be in accordance with UMB policies and procedures.  The School Alumni Administrator shall be responsible for ensuring that procurement law and UMB policies and procedures relating to contracts or payments are followed, as applicable.
  9. All contracts, checks, drafts, and orders for the payment of money on behalf of the Association shall, unless otherwise required by law, be approved by the School Alumni Administrator and the Association President or Treasurer.  Contracts made through UMB or UMBF must be signed by an authorized official of UMB or UMBF, respectively, and must be in substance and form consistent with the respective organization’s policies. 
  10. All UMB related benefits or privileges provided to alumni, such as library privileges, e-mail accounts, and use of recreation facilities, must be approved by the President of UMB and are subject to withdrawal or modification at any time.
  11. District or special interest groups of alumni in various geographic areas where a sufficient concentration of alumni reside may be formed and recognized by an Association as an Affiliate or Chapter of that Association, in accordance with Association By-Laws and with the approval of the School Alumni Administrator and the VPDAR.  Affiliates or Chapters may not open private bank accounts in the name of UMB, the Associations, or UMBF.  With the School Alumni Administrator’s approval, Affiliates or Chapters may have separate accounts in the UMB accounting system or in UMBF.
  12. Pursuant to § 12-101(3)(ii) of the State Government Article, Maryland Annotated Code, and applicable regulations adopted by the Maryland State Treasurer, and only for purposes of coverage under the Maryland Tort Claims Act, the President of UMB recognizes as “State personnel” those Association members who, without compensation, hold elected or appointed office in the Association or serve on the executive board or committees in the governance of the Associations, as specified in the Association By-Laws.  As State personnel, these persons may be entitled to the legal protections and immunities afforded State personnel by the Maryland Tort Claims Act, as amended from time to time, as that law is interpreted by the Office of the Attorney General of Maryland.
Exhibit A
Alumni Associations Recognized by the 爆料公社, Baltimore
School of Dentistry Alumni Association
School of Law Alumni Association
School of Nursing Alumni Association
School of Pharmacy Alumni Association
爆料公社 School of Medicine
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science Alumni Association
School of Social Work Alumni Association
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