Faculty Policies


Criteria and Procedures Relating to Appointment, Promotion, and Permanent Status for Library Faculty 爆料公社 Baltimore - Health Sciences and Human Services Library and Thurgood Marshall

Faculty   |   Approved August 1, 2010

Responsible VP/AVP

Roger Ward, EdD, JD, MSL, MPA

Applies to Faculty

Revision History

Approved by the Chancellor, August 27, 2010

Policy Statement


A. Librarian I

      1. Qualifications: A master’s degree from a program in library science or information science accredited by the American Library Association is required. Other graduate degrees may substitute for or be required in addition to the ALA-accredited MLS based on the functional needs of individual positions. 

      2. Librarian I is an entry level rank assigned to librarians who are beginning their professional careers or who have served only a brief period of time in a professional capacity. A Librarian I is not eligible for permanent status.

B. Librarian II

      1. Qualifications: In addition to the minimum educational requirements for Librarian I, three years of professional experience is normally required. Prior job performance must be of high quality. 

      2. Performance Criteria: The rank of Librarian II is awarded to faculty librarians who have successfully demonstrated professional competence at the Librarian I or equivalent level. The candidate must have made good progress in learning assigned responsibilities, be able to perform these in a competent and independent manner, and show promise for a consistent and enduring contribution to the Library’s overall operation. The candidate must be able to work collaboratively with others and serve the needs of the Library’s patron community. While the evaluation of job performance is of primary importance in promotion decisions at this rank, relevant continuing education is desirable.

C. Librarian III

      1. Qualifications: In addition to the minimum educational requirements for Librarian I, six years of professional library experience or its equivalent is normally required. Job performance must be of excellent quality. An additional graduate or professional degree or course work enhancing general knowledge or special competence is desirable. Continuing education in a relevant field is desirable. To qualify for this rank, it is highly desirable that faculty librarians at the Health Sciences and Human Services Library be members of the Medical Library Association’s Academy of Health Information Professionals. Involvement in at least two of the three areas of professional activity (as defined in Section II.C. below) and significant achievement in one of those two areas are expected. Academic activities at this rank must be of substantial quality.

      2. Performance Criteria: The rank of Librarian III is one of distinction conferred only upon those with a proven record of progressive accomplishment within the field of librarianship. The standard of performance for promotion to this rank is substantially higher than that required for promotion to Librarian II. In addition to consistent, effective performance of assigned responsibilities and a record of significant contributions to the Library, evidence of exemplary services to the patron community of the Library, collegiality, leadership, resourcefulness, innovation, and dedication are sought in the evaluation process. 

      3. Professional Activities: Professional activities at this rank should go beyond memberships and attendance and should include refereed publications, papers presented at professional meetings, committee appointments, and holding office in professional organizations, or similar activities that contribute to the advancement of the library profession or to an academic discipline related to the individual’s position. Service at this rank should be characterized by leadership or significant participation of high quality.


D. Librarian IV

      1. Qualifications: In addition to the minimum educational requirements for Librarian III, ten years of professional library experience or its equivalent is normally required. In addition to the performance requirements of Librarian IV, job performance must be of consistent excellent quality. An additional graduate or professional degree or course work enhancing general knowledge or special competence is desirable. Continuing education in a relevant field is desirable. Significant achievement in two of the three areas of professional activity (as defined in Section II.C. below) is expected. 

      2. Performance Criteria: The rank of Librarian IV is reserved for individuals who exemplify leadership, innovation, collegiality and dedication to the Library and its users, the University, and the field of librarianship. The Librarian IV’s performance is characterized by sustained excellence, extensive professional knowledge, a broad grasp of current issues and developments, and a deep commitment to librarianship. 

      3. Professional Activities: The Librarian IV must also demonstrate significant achievements in at least two areas of professional activity (as defined in Section II.C. below). Significant achievement in professional organizations at this rank can be demonstrated by activities such as holding a major office, serving as a committee chair, extensive committee work, or similar activities which contribute to the vitality of the library profession or to an academic discipline related to the individual’s position. The involvement, effort, and contribution must be at a level that is recognized by others in the field. At this rank academic research and publication activities will be judged both by quality and extensiveness of activities. These activities should go beyond the occasional and reflect expertise recognizable by others in the field.


A. General Provisions

  1. There is no connection, either express or implied, between functional position and rank. Change in rank may be made without change in functional position. Change in functional positions may be made without change in rank. 

  2. Promotion decisions are based on an evaluation of a candidate’s record of achievement in two areas: job performance and professional activity. A clear progression of development in each is sought in all faculty librarians as they advance through the ranks. 

  3. The two areas of evaluation are described below. Performance based upon the requirements of the position will receive the greatest emphasis in the evaluation process at all ranks. Professional activities will receive increased emphasis at the higher ranks.


B. Performance

  1. While some essential elements of each librarian’s performance may differ according to individual assignments, certain key qualities and abilities are sought in all. Effective faculty librarians should demonstrate collegiality, creativity, initiative, accuracy, responsibility and commitment to serve the Library’s users. They must be able to work both collaboratively and independently and to define goals. They should be aware of new ideas, methods, and technological changes in librarianship, and must be flexible in adapting to changes both within the profession and the institution. 

  2. Faculty librarians should possess the ability to identify current and potential needs and problems within the library and be able to formulate solutions by successfully integrating theory into planning and practice. Finally, they must be able to work cooperatively with library staff, faculty, students, and other users and possess a sound understanding of the education, service, and research missions of the constituencies served by the Libraries. 

  3. Categories in which a librarian may be assigned duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

a. Collection Access, Control, and Analysis: In the evaluation of performance of these duties, the central criterion is effectiveness in applying principles and national standards to the acquisition, cataloging, and maintenance of library materials in all formats. Consideration of specialized linguistic and subject expertise or a general knowledge of the literature of the humanities, social sciences, science, or of law may be appropriate, as well as awareness of new areas of faculty teaching and research interest. Also of importance is knowledge of metadata tools, and the ability to appraise and to apply them as needed, as well as a thorough familiarity with library functions and operations.

b. User Services: Of particular importance in evaluating the successful performance of user services duties is the effectiveness of communication skills in a variety of situations, as well as extensive knowledge of specialized reference resources, research strategy, and relevant subject matter. Also important is a general knowledge of the literature of the humanities, social sciences, sciences, or law and a thorough familiarity with library functions and operations.

c. Administrative and Supervisory Duties: Paramount is effectiveness in managing complex library operations that require professional knowledge and judgment, including establishing and properly applying personnel policies and procedures. Important factors are the ability to weigh alternatives, establish objectives, plan and oversee their implementation, and evaluate their results. The ability to provide leadership, to further cooperation, and to increase effectiveness in budgeting, in managing funds, and in utilizing staff, space, and equipment to achieve unit objectives is crucial, as is the ability to relate those objectives to the goals of the institution.

d. Computer Technologies: Performance criteria include effectiveness at managing and coordinating library uses of computer resources to serve library users, including for research and instructional purposes, supporting the efforts of faculty librarians, other library personnel and library operations. The ability to utilize new electronic products and services in furthering the educational, service, and research missions of the library is essential.

e. Instruction: The primary consideration for evaluation in this area is effective application of sound teaching methodologies in settings related to the mission of the Library and the University. Teaching activities can include, but are not limited to, workshops, seminars, and courses or portions thereof taught for credit or non-credit.

f. Outreach, Consultation and Collaboration: As the work of the Library expands to include collaboration with constituents on campus and beyond, evaluation in this area will include successful grant writing ability, effective work with teams, report writing, and assessment tool development and usage.

C. Professional Activities

  1. As academic professionals, faculty librarians are expected to become active members of the academic or library community through participation in appropriate forms of professional activity. Activities such as affiliation with professional associations, service on committees and task forces, and participation in research and teaching all contribute significantly to both the mission of the library and to the personal growth of the librarian. At all levels of evaluation, greater emphasis is placed upon the significance and quality of accomplishments than on the number of activities undertaken. 

  2. For purposes of this document, professional activity is divided into three areas: professional participation, service, and academic activities.
    1. Professional Participation 

      Professional participation includes memberships and involvement in professional organizations at local, state, and national levels. Forms of participation include attendance at professional conferences, meetings, and workshops; committee appointments; and holding positions of responsibility in and service performed in support of professional organizations and societies.

    2. Service 

      Service activities are those rendered to the Library and its users, the campus, the University System of Maryland, and the public, beyond routine job responsibilities, which contribute to the advancement of institutional goals. Relevant service activities are those that draw upon the librarian’s professional and specialized knowledge and which contribute to the betterment of the community.

    3. Academic Activities 

      Academic activities are those generally involving research, publication, and teaching beyond routine job responsibilities. Research and publication are defined as scholarly or professional work in librarianship, or in another academic discipline related to the educational and research mission of the University, culminating in the dissemination of results to an appropriate audience. Examples of acceptable research activities and publication activities beyond normal job expectations include authorship of books, journal articles and reviews, editorship of scholarly professional publications, digital publications, authorship and performance of grant project proposals and reports, and preparation and presentation of papers for conferences. In evaluating academic activities, evidence of quality, substance, and impact is sought. Teaching activities are those beyond routine job responsibilities and can include lectures, workshops, seminars, continuing education courses, and courses or portions thereof taught whether for credit or non-credit.


A. Definition of Permanent Status: “Continuing employment such that a decision to remove an employee must be made by the President of the campus and must be justified by cause as defined by USM and campus policy. Permanent status is an employment status different from tenure.” Permanent status can be awarded only by an affirmative decision based upon a formal review. A Librarian I is not eligible for permanent status.

B. Decisions on permanent status shall be based on the candidate’s entire professional performance while employed at the Library. The candidate’s record must demonstrate consistent excellence in job performance, continuing development, and significant contributions to the library under circumstances that demonstrate the strong likelihood of continued excellence and professional growth.

C. Faculty librarians granted permanent status under the University System of Maryland VII-2.15 – “Policy on Librarians,” which was effective prior to enactment of the April 7, 2000 revision of the “University System Policy on Appointment, Rank and Tenure of Faculty,” retain permanent status if acquired under the earlier policy. 

D. All faculty librarians must be reviewed for permanent status no later than the end of six years of continuous service in the Library. If permanent status is denied, the librarian will receive an additional and terminal appointment for one year. 

E. Permanent status from another 爆料公社 System library or comparable status at another academic institution is not automatically transferable.


A. The Committee on Appointment, Promotion, and Permanent Status for the UMB Libraries shall consist of five faculty librarians holding permanent status.

B. Each library director will appoint members of the APP Committee. Three APP Committee members shall be from the HSHSL and two from the Thurgood Marshall Law Library.

C. Members shall serve one-year terms beginning on July 1 of each year and may be reappointed.

D. The members of the APP Committee each year shall select a chair who shall also serve a one-year term. The position of chair shall alternate on a yearly basis between the HSHSL and Thurgood Marshall Law Library.


A. Recruitment shall follow the guidelines developed by each Library. Each Library Director shall appoint an ad hoc search committee to identify and recommend candidates for librarian positions for the respective Library.

B. At the time of a faculty librarian’s initial appointment, a rank will be assigned in the respective library that is commensurate with the faculty librarian’s prior professional accomplishments and attainments. To receive consideration, professional experience outside librarianship should bear a reasonable relationship to the particular position assignment.

C. Appointments at the level of Librarian II or above must be recommended by the Library Director, endorsed by the APP Committee, and approved by the Provost (Health Sciences and Human Services Library appointments) or the Dean of the School of Law and the Provost (Law Library appointments.)

D. Documentation to be considered by the APP Committee for appointments at a Librarian II or above shall consist of a CV and any available materials, such as letters of reference, relevant to the assignment of rank.

E. It is within the discretion of the respective Library Director to request that the APP Committee consider permanent status for an initial appointment. Documentation to be considered by the Committee for such a request shall replicate, as closely as possible under the circumstances, the materials described in VII.B.

F. Granting of permanent status to an individual at the time of initial appointment must be recommended by the APP Committee, approved by the Library Director, and approved by the Provost (Health Sciences and Human Services Library appointments) or the Dean of the School of Law and the Provost (Law Library appointments.)


A. To be considered for promotion, a faculty librarian must initiate the review process by submission of an application to the respective Library Director by the announced deadline. The Library Directors shall together establish an annual schedule for the review of applications for promotion. 

B. The dossier for a candidate for promotion shall include at least the following documentation:

1. Documents to be provided by the candidate:

a. Current CV compiled and attested to as accurate by the candidate.

b. Names and contact information of at least seven professional references (only required for Promotion to Librarian III and IV). These may be library colleagues from other institutions, colleagues from professional associations, faculty, or collaborators able to comment, support and expand on the qualifications of the candidate.

c. Signed and dated certification of the completeness and accuracy of the information submitted and authorization for disclosure of the librarian’s dossier to the APP Committee.

2. Documents to be provided by the Library Director or designee:

a. All performance appraisals recorded during the librarian’s employment by the Library.

b. Current position description at the time of review.

c. All evaluations of classroom performance recorded during the librarian’s employment by the Library, where appropriate. This may be done through student evaluations, classroom visits, and input solicited from collaborating faculty.

C. The APP Committee shall consider the entire dossier to determine if the candidate meets the criteria for promotion.

D. The APP Committee shall select and contact three references of the seven provided by the candidate for letters of support from the list provided by the candidate. At the Committee’s discretion they may contact additional references from the original list of seven or from outside the list if it is felt additional information is needed.

E. After consideration of the dossier and deliberation, the APP Committee shall vote to recommend or not recommend a candidate for promotion. The vote shall be conducted by a secret ballot. At least three members of the Committee must vote in favor for a recommendation in support of promotion.

F. All deliberations and consultations by the APP Committee and its members are to be held confidential to the extent permitted by law. The chair of the APP Committee shall collect official notes and files maintained by Committee members during the Committee’s work. These papers constitute the Committee’s record. The record will be maintained in the Library Director’s Office.

G. The vote and the Committee’s written recommendation, including its reasons, shall be forwarded to the Library Director.

H. Process Following Committee Action:

1. Law Library: In the Law Library, the Committee, the Library Director, and the Dean each has an independent decision-making role:

a. If the Committee’s recommendation is positive and the Library Director concurs, the promotion shall then be forwarded to the Dean of the School of Law by the Library Director with a letter from the Library Director detailing the Library Director’s reasons for supporting the promotion. If the Dean also makes a positive recommendation, the recommendation shall be forwarded to the Provost for a final decision.

b. If the Committee’s decision is negative, the promotion is denied and the Committee’s decision is final. 

c. If the Library Director does not concur with a positive recommendation of the Committee, the promotion is denied and the Library Director’s decision is final.

d. If the Dean does not concur with a positive recommendation of the Committee and the Library Director, the promotion is denied and the Dean’s decision is final.

2. In the Health Sciences and Human Services Library, the Committee, the Library Director, and the Provost each has an independent decision-making role:

a. If the Committee’s recommendation is positive and the Library Director concurs, the promotion shall then be forwarded to the Provost by the Library Director with a letter from the Library Director detailing the Library Director’s reasons for the supporting the promotion. The Provost shall then make the final decision.

b. If the Committee’s decision is negative, the promotion is denied and the Committee’s decision is final. 

c. If the Library Director does not concur with a positive recommendation of the Committee, the promotion is denied and the Library Director’s decision is final.

3. All decisions shall be communicated in writing to the faculty librarian candidate by the Library Director.


A. To be considered for permanent status, the faculty librarian must initiate the review process by submission of an application to the respective Library Director by the announced deadline. The Library Directors shall together establish and publish an annual schedule for the review of applications for permanent status. A Librarian I is not eligible for permanent status.

B. The dossier for a candidate for Permanent Status shall include at least the following documentation:

1. Documents to be provided by the candidate: a. Current CV compiled and attested to as accurate by the candidate. b. Names and contact information of at least seven professional references. These may be library colleagues from other institutions, colleagues from professional associations, faculty, or collaborators able to comment, support and expand on the qualifications of the candidate. c. Signed and dated certification of the completeness and accuracy of the information submitted and authorization for disclosure of the librarian’s dossier to the APP Committee.

2. Documents to be provided by the Library Director or designee:

a. All performance appraisals recorded during the librarian’s employment by the Library.

b. Current position description at the time of review.

c. All evaluations of classroom performance recorded during the librarian’s employment by the Library, where appropriate. This may be done through student evaluations, classroom visits, and input solicited from collaborating faculty.

C. The APP Committee shall consider the entire dossier to determine if the candidate meets the criteria for permanent status.

D. The APP Committee shall select and contact three references of the seven provided by the candidate for letters of support from the list provided by the candidate. At the Committee’s discretion they may contact additional references from the original list of seven or from outside the list if it is felt additional information is needed.

E. After consideration of the dossier and deliberation, the APP Committee shall vote to recommend or not recommend a candidate for permanent status. The vote shall be conducted by a secret ballot. At least three members of the Committee must vote in favor for a recommendation in support of permanent status.

F. All deliberations and consultations by the APP Committee and its members are to be held confidential to the extent permitted by law. The chair of the APP Committee shall collect official notes and files maintained by Committee members during the Committee’s work. These papers constitute the Committee’s record. The record will be maintained in the Library Director’s Office.

G. The vote and the Committee’s written recommendation, including its reasons, shall be forwarded to the Library Director.

H. Process Following Committee Action:

1. Law Library: In the Law Library, the Committee, the Library Director, and the Dean each has an independent decision-making role:

a. If the Committee’s recommendation is positive and the Library Director concurs, the permanent status recommendation shall then be forwarded to the Dean of the School of Law by the Library Director with a letter from the Library Director detailing the Library Director’s reasons for supporting the promotion. If the Dean also makes a positive recommendation, the recommendation shall be forwarded to the Provost for a final decision.

b. If the Committee’s decision is negative, permanent status is denied and the Committee’s decision is final.

c. If the Library Director does not concur with a positive recommendation of the Committee, permanent status is denied and the Library Director’s decision is final.

d. If the Dean does not concur with a positive recommendation of the Committee and the Library Director, permanent status is denied and the Dean’s decision is final.

2. In the Health Sciences and Human Services Library, the Committee, the Library Director, and the Provost each has an independent decision-making role:

a. If the Committee’s recommendation is positive and the Library Director concurs, the permanent status recommendation shall then be forwarded to the Provost by the Library Director with a letter from the Library Directory detailing the Library Director’s reasons for the supporting permanent status. The Provost shall then make the final decision.

b. If the Committee’s decision is negative, permanent status is denied and the Committee’s decision is final.

c. If the Library Director does not concur with a positive recommendation of the Committee, permanent status is denied and the Library Director’s decision is final.

3. All decisions shall be communicated in writing to the faculty librarian candidate by the Library Director.


A. Within ten calendar days of being informed of an adverse final decision on an application for promotion or permanent status, the faculty librarian may appeal to the Provost, in writing. To justify consideration of an appeal, the candidate must present convincing evidence, as determined in the sole discretion of the Provost that demonstrates a failure of due process in the consideration of an application for promotion or permanent status.

B. In deciding whether to consider an appeal, the Provost may seek advice from any individuals of his or her choosing.

C. If the Provost determines, in his or her sole discretion, that, in fact, a significant failure of due process has occurred, he or she may direct the APP Committee, the appropriate Library Director, and (for the Law Library) the Dean of the School of Law, to reconsider the matter.

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