Faculty Policies


UMB Policy Concerning Supplemental Payments and Salary Adjustments for Faculty

Faculty   |   Approved December 19, 2009

Responsible VP/AVP

Roger Ward, EdD, JD, MSL, MPA

Revision History

APPROVED by David J. Ramsay, President, Dec. 18, 2009; Effective December 19, 2009.

Policy Statement

Full-time and part-time faculty generally are employed for stated annual salaries that do not change during a fiscal year. However, in some cases supplemental payments and salary adjustments for faculty may be approved, as discussed in this Policy. A request for an increase in faculty compensation or a supplemental payment of compensation to faculty must be approved by the President or designee. Merit increases and cost of living increases are beyond the scope of this policy. 
Faculty, especially full-time faculty, are expected to carry out many activities related to their academic work and their schools’ activities in addition to their core teaching, research and/or service responsibilities as faculty members. In general, faculty have no expectation of additional compensation for work undertaken beyond their core academic responsibilities. Faculty salary increases and supplemental payments to faculty are appropriate only under limited circumstances. 

Faculty may receive salary adjustments in return for accepting ongoing special responsibilities which significantly increase the time and effort required of them, in contrast to the time and effort required of their faculty counterparts who do not have such responsibilities. Such additional responsibilities may involve traditional faculty work or may involve administrative responsibilities pursuant to concurrent administrative appointments or pursuant to special assignments. Some faculty, in accordance with approved salary incentive plans, are eligible for increased compensation that reflects their success in obtaining grants and contracts that provide support for their work. Some other exceptions to the general rule against increasing faculty compensation are listed below.

In most cases, a salary adjustment (subject to reversal if the responsibilities are relinquished) is the appropriate means to compensate faculty for additional responsibilities. For additional responsibilities of limited duration, supplemental payments may be appropriate, in lieu of salary adjustments. Human Resource Services will establish appropriate procedures to process compensation increases for faculty.
Adjustments in compensation and bonuses paid as salary supplements for faculty retention are permitted. To support such adjustments or bonuses, documentation of the need must be submitted by the Dean requesting the adjustment or supplemental payment. 

A Dean’s request to the President for an increase in faculty salary or a supplemental payment to a faculty member must certify that the requested compensation change or supplemental payment meets one or more of the following requirements:

  1. It is in consideration for summer academic or administrative work by a faculty member who is on a 9- or 10-month faculty appointment, and is not required to work during the summer months.
  2. It is in consideration for administrative work of a full-time faculty member that is undertaken in addition to regular full-time responsibilities. The payment must be consistent with the terms of the letter appointing the faculty member to the administrative post. See UMB Procedures II-1.03A.
  3. It is pursuant to a School faculty salary plan approved by the President.
  4. It is compensation for teaching continuing education courses or other specially assigned academic work over and above the normal responsibilities and/or workload of a faculty member under the relevant School’s faculty workload policy. (Occasional collegial support for colleagues is not compensated; long-term substitution for colleagues may be compensated.)
  5. It is authorized by the Medical Service Plan or it is a payment for accepting clinical responsibilities exceeding those normally expected of members of the faculty of a clinical unit (SOM only).
  6. It is salary change or incentive/bonus payment necessary for the retention of faculty.
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