Faculty Policies


UMB Policy on Sabbatical Leave for Faculty

Faculty   |   Approved July 1, 1998

Responsible VP/AVP

Roger Ward, EdD, JD, MSL, MPA

Revision History

Approved by the President, September 1990; revised July 1, 1998

Policy Statement

The Provost is designated to review requests for sabbatical leave at UMB. Requests for sabbatical leave should be submitted by the Dean four (4) months before the beginning of the requested leave.

The request for sabbatical should include:

  • Name of the faculty member;
  • Dates of the proposed sabbatical;
  • Description of compensation (half-pay or full-pay and other agreements regarding external compensation);
  • Description of the faculty plan of activity and how it will benefit the School and the University;
  • Statement of how the faculty member's regular responsibilities will be met during the absence;
  • Statement signed by the faculty member, agreeing to the terms of the sabbatical leave.

Following review, the Provost will write to the Dean with a copy to the faculty member indicating approval and the conditions that are to be met. Usually those conditions will be: a) that the recipient agrees to return to the institution and to serve on his or her normal basis for at least one academic year; and b) that a summary report on sabbatical activities will be submitted to the Dean and the Provost within six (6) weeks of return to normal duties.

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