Office of the Controller Procedures

Miscellaneous Disbursements

Financial Affairs, Office of the Controller   |   Approved July 1, 2009


Process payments for transactions that are not subject to standard State procurement procedures (e.g. employee reimbursements, memberships, honorariums, and other non-procurement payments).


UMB Operational Units (schools, departments, divisions) and individuals requesting payments for non-procurement transactions that are in compliance with State of Maryland and UMB policies and procedures.


  1. The following types of transactions are not covered under this Procedure:
    1. Procurement Transactions (PUR01) – See .
    2. Working Fund – See Procedure.
    3. Payments to Foreign Nationals – See .
      1. Travel – See & Procedure on Business Travel for UMB Employees and Nonemployees
  2. Transactions considered unacceptable by the State of Maryland General Accounting Division are prohibited. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following expenditures: alcohol, flowers and gifts, parking or moving violations, parties, and catered meetings that include only University employees.
  3. The following payment methods are used to process non-procurement payments:
    1. PUR02
      1. The following types of miscellaneous payments are processed using the PUR02 process in eUMB Financials:
        1. Reimbursements (except for business meals and food reimbursements processed in eTravel)
        2. Reimbursements for membership dues in job-related professional and academic associations (note:  payments directly to an organization are processed through the Working Fund)
        3. Postage meter payments
        4. Other non-procurement payments
      2. The Operational Unit completes the PUR02 process in eUMB Financials.
      3. Attach supporting documentation to the requisition.
      4. The Operational Unit Approver approves the requisition.
      5. Operational Units submit the approved requisition to Financial Services - General Accounting (FS-GA) through the eUMB Financials System.  FS-GA reviews the transaction to ensure funds are available and the chartstring is correct.  FS-GA submits the requisition and documentation to the Department of Strategic Sources and Acquisition Services (SSAS) for review.
      6. SSAS reviews the requisition to determine if the transaction is appropriate for a PUR02.  Transactions submitted through the PUR02 process that are subject to standard State procurement procedures (i.e. transactions that qualify as a PUR01) will be rejected.
      7. SSAS forwards approved PUR02s and documentation to Financial Services - Disbursements (FS-DB) for review and approval.    FS-DB forwards approved PUR02s to Financial Services-Accounts Payable (FS-AP) for processing.  FS-DB contacts the Operational Unit for PUR02s that require corrective action.
      8. FS-AP processes the payment in eUMB Financials and transmits payments to the State for processing.
      9. Checks are mailed from the State approximately 2-3 weeks after FS-AP sends the transaction to the State.  Exception:  Checks for postage meter payments are delivered to FS-AP.  FS-AP will notify the Operational Unit when the check is available for pickup at FS-AP.
    2. e-Z Payment
      1. The following types of payments may be processed on the :
        1. Honorarium
        2. Study Participant Payment
        3. Stipend
      2. The Operational Unit completes the e-Z Payment Request Form and attaches supporting documentation to the form.
      3. IMPORTANT:  If the answer on the e-Z Payment Form to “Worked performed inside U.S.?” is “Yes AND the answer to “Payee – U.S. Citizen?” is “No,” the payment request must be processed through the foreign national screening process in Financial Services – Payroll.  Refer to the .
      4. The Requestor and the Operational Unit Head (or Designee) must sign the e-Z Payment Request Form in accordance with .
      5. The Operational Unit submits the approved Form and supporting documentation to FS-DB for review and approval at the address shown on the form.
      6. FS-DB forwards approved e-Z Payments to FS-AP for processing. 
      7. FS-DB contacts the Operational Unit for e-Z Payments that require corrective action.
      8. FS-AP processes the e-Z Payment in eUMB Financials and transmits payments to the State for processing.
      9. Checks are mailed from the State approximately 2-3 weeks after FS-AP sends the transaction to the State.
  4. Failure to comply with this Procedure may result in disciplinary action and/or criminal action.
  5. Exceptions to this Procedure must be approved in writing by the University Controller (UC) in Financial Services. All requests must be submitted to the UC using the available on the Financial Services website.  The request must be signed/e-mailed by the Department Head or designee.

Questions?  Contact the Disbursements Manager at 410-706-2931.


Operational Units

  • Complete PUR02 or e-Z Payment Request Form.
  • Attach required supporting documentation.
  • Obtain appropriate approvals.

Financial Services – General Accounting

  • Review PUR02 transactions for available funding, proper accounting treatment, and adequate supporting documentation.

Financial Services – Disbursements

  • Review e-Z Payment Request Forms for appropriateness, adequate supporting documentation, and proper approvals.

Financial Services – Accounts Payable

  • Process PUR02s and e-Z Payment Request Forms in accordance with State of Maryland requirements.
  • Forward payment requests and documentation to the State of Maryland for payment processing.

Strategic Sourcing and Acquisition Services

  • Review PUR02s for appropriateness and compliance with State procurement procedures.
  • Forward PUR02s to FS-AP for processing.

Additional Guidance:

  • Navigation Path for PUR02 Tutorial:  UMB Systems Tutorials Browser >Managing Requisitions>Creating a Requisition (Request for Payment) – PUR02


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