Office of the Controller Procedures

Working Fund

Financial Affairs, Office of the Controller   |   Approved October 1, 1999


Prepare and process approved miscellaneous check payments.


Operational Units (schools, departments, divisions) and individuals seeking payment for the following transactions:

  • Student emergency loans
  • Employee payroll advances/promissory notes
  • Membership dues to academic and professional associations
  • Subscriptions to academic and professional publications
  • Study participant payments
  • Catering (prior to event)
  • Deposits in relation to purchase orders for event space (i.e. commencement, convocations, conferences & seminars)
  • Conference booth rentals and related costs
  • Dental clinic refunds
  • Interlibrary loans
  • Miscellaneous emergency payments
  • Split student loan checks
  • Reimbursement of payroll promissory notes
  • Split postage checks from the State.


Click the following link for instructions on Working Fund payments:

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