Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Procedures

Labeling of Radioactive Materials

Research, Environmental Health and Safety   |   Approved May 14, 2015


Maintain accurate posting and labeling of radioactive material.


Primary Investigators, student, or staff member whose duties could potentially include work with radioactive materials.


  1. Post "Caution, Radioactive Materials" sign in labs or areas where radioactive materials are used or stored on a regular basis.
  2. General containers and equipment for radioactive material:
    1. All containers of radioactive material must be labeled with a "Caution, Radioactive Material" label.
    2. Any equipment such as a pipette, centrifuge, scale, etc. used with radioactive material should be labelled with a "Caution, Radioactive Materials" label.
    3. The label must also provide the radionuclide(s) present, an estimate of the activity, the date for which the activity is estimated, and kinds of material. This permits individuals handling or using the containers to take the necessary safety precautions.
  3. Any refrigerator, fume hood, incubator, or other equipment where radioactive materials are stored must be labeled:
    1. A refrigerator where radioactive materials are stored must be labeled with a "Caution, Radioactive Materials" or a "Caution Radioactive Materials No Food or Beverage May Be Stored in This Unit" sign.
    2. An incubator, fume hood, or other equipment must be posted with a "Caution, Radioactive Materials" sign.
    3. If the refrigerator, incubator, or other equipment will no longer be used with radioactive material, call EHS to schedule a survey of the equipment for contamination and removal of the labels.
    4. If repairs need to be made to a radioactive materials refrigerator, fume hood, incubator, or other equipment, contact EHS to schedule a survey of the equipment for contamination prior to repairs.
  4. Sinks for disposal of liquid radioactive waste
    1. If a PI wishes to dispose of radioactive material via the sanitary sewer, the sink designated for sanitary sewer disposal must be posted with a Radioactive Sewer Disposal permit. If repairs need to be made to the sink contact, EHS to schedule a survey for contamination prior to repairs.  See  procedure.
  5. Radioactive waste containers
    1. All radioactive waste containers must be posted with a "Caution, Radioactive Materials" label provided by EHS. The unique serial numbered radioactive waste container label must have the radionuclide, the estimated activity, the date of the estimated activity and the name of the PI.
  6. Signs and labels required for radioactive material use
    1. It is the responsibility of the user to post the appropriate caution signs in all areas. The signs and labels will be initially supplied by EHS; however, investigators should purchase their own if they have a continuing need. Catalogs and prices are available in the EHS office. Please consult with the EHS staff for any needed advice and assistance in posting and labeling. See  procedure.
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