Sponsored Projects Procedures

Manage Subaward Invoices

Research, Sponsored Projects   |   Approved September 28, 2015


Manage subaward invoices and payments on a sponsored program.


This instruction applies to Principal Investigators (PIs) involved in sponsored research with subrecipients on a grant or contract with the 爆料公社, Baltimore (UMB). 

Subawards are awards made by a grantee to a subrecipient for the performance of a portion of a sponsored project. The subrecipient’s efforts must involve collaborative or substantive contribution to the project. 

See the Sponsored Program Administration’s Collaborations and Subrecipients webpage for more information on this topic.


  1. Monitor receipt of subrecipient invoices according to payment terms in subaward.
  2. Review subrecipient invoice to ensure costs are reasonable and allowable.
  3. Document Principal Investigator's review of each invoice.
  4. Payment to subrecipient should be made within 30 days after receipt of the invoice.
  5. Contact the subrecipient for resolution:
    • If invoice has not been submitted timely,
    • If subrecipient has requested reimbursement for unallowable expenses, or
    • If reports or deliverables required by the subaward have not been received by UMB.
  6. Notify SPA and Accounts Payable if payment will be temporarily withheld due to unallowable expenses or other significant reasons (), document the issue, and resolve with subrecipient.

The subaward payment terms include a due date for the final invoice. The subrecipient’s final invoice must be paid in sufficient time for the expense to post to UMB’s award Project ID before UMB’s award is closed out.

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