Sponsored Projects Procedures

Non-Financial Reporting

Research, Sponsored Projects   |   Approved October 9, 2015


Review and complete any necessary reporting required by a sponsored project.


Principal Investigators (PIs) and administrators managing sponsored programs.

Many sponsored project awards, particularly those supporting research, require non-financial reporting, such as technical reports and invention reports, as part of progress reporting and award closeout.

For more information, review the Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) website on reports and award closeout.

For assistance with financial reporting, contact (SPAC).

For assistance with property (equipment inventory) reports, contact in Financial Services.


  1. Review the award terms and conditions and sponsor policy for report due dates.
  2. Technical (program) reports are prepared and submitted by the PI. Follow sponsor instructions for format and submission.
    1. Any reference to financial information or personnel effort in a technical report must reflect what is reported in the financial reports. to verify financial information or to coordinate simultaneous submission of financial and technical reports when required.
  3. The PI prepares invention reports.  A report is required even when the report states that no inventions resulted from the award.
    1. The invention report for an award must include any inventions first conceived or first reduced to practice by any subrecipient personnel using the award funding.
    2. Inventions reported to the sponsor for a particular award must match the source of funds (external funding) reported on made to the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT). for assistance.
    3. Follow sponsor instructions for reporting. Use online forms when available. Contact your SPA Team for assistance.
    4. SPA verifies the report with OTT and provides institutional official approval as required by the sponsor.
  4. If the PI is for any reason unable to complete technical and invention reports, a co-investigator, colleague, or the department chair may prepare them for submission. Contact your SPA Team for assistance.
  5. Retain copies of submitted reports for at least 3 years after submission.
    1. For proof of submission, keep a copy of report submission information, such as an online submission confirmation, email, cover letter, or courier receipt.
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