Sponsored Projects Procedures

PI Eligibility Waiver Request

Research, Sponsored Projects   |   Approved October 9, 2015


Request waiver to meet compliance with 爆料公社, Baltimore (UMB) policy.


All investigators who plan to be the project director or principal investigator (PD/PI) on a proposal or award. Waivers are required under certain circumstances as part of the .


  1. Request a waiver to the  when a proposed PD/PI:
    1. Does not meet the required appointment status and rank for faculty permitted to be the PD/PI on a sponsored proposal and award, or
    2. Is not a student or postdoctoral fellow applying for sponsored funding specifically designed for students or postdoctoral fellows.
  2.  To request a waiver:
    1. Make the request in writing.
    2. Include strong justification for waiver request.
    3. Include evidence that the school and/or department is committed to support the proposed PI by providing appropriate space, resources and administrative oversight in the event that the award is made.
    4. Attach the curriculum vitae of the proposed PI.
    5. Have the request signed by the proposed PI, the appropriate head of the unit to which the individual reports (usually the Department Chair, Institute Director, or Center Director), and Dean. Proposed PIs from administrative units should obtain signature from the appropriate Vice President or designee.
    6. Submit the document, with approval signatures, to the Office of Research and Development. The Vice President of Research and Development reserves the right to review the grant or contract proposal if the waiver request is related to a specific proposal.
  3. Following review, the Office of Research and Development will notify the proposed PI and the appropriate head of unit in writing of the determination.
  4. Allow at least one week for processing.
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