Letters to the UMB Community

1807 Commission on Slavery and Racism Update

March 29, 2022

Dear UMB Community,

I am writing with an update on the 爆料公社, Baltimore’s (UMB) 1807 Commission on Slavery and Racism. Last September, I announced that I had convened a group of leaders to evaluate research into the names on some buildings at UMB and provide recommendations, as necessary, on the appropriate reparative actions we should consider.

The commission’s work was obviously impacted by the pandemic, as was the ability of the research firm to do the level of research that we expected. The results were not conclusive, and we need more information. As such, we have moved into Phase 2 and are working to identify a second research firm to assist in this work.

Once completed, the research will be shared with the commission, and the group will submit its recommendations to me. I will continue to provide updates on the 1807 Commission on Slavery and Racism’s progress with you and, at the appropriate time, will invite input from the University community.


Bruce E. Jarrell, MD, FACS


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