Public Safety Procedures

Fire and Emergency Evacuation Procedures

Public Safety   |   Approved February 1, 2023


To provide directions for how to respond to fire alarm activations and emergency building evacuations. 


This instruction applies to students, staff, faculty, visitors, and all other occupants of buildings owned by the 爆料公社, Baltimore (UMB).

This procedure is applicable for true emergencies and drills. All drills shall be treated as actual emergencies.

In order to provide a safe environment for all University occupants, a specific Occupant Emergency Plan can be found on the Office of Emergency Management’s (OEM) website, /emergency/occupant-emergency-plans/ For more information see OEM’s Occupant Emergency Plans.  Unless dictated otherwise in the building or department’s emergency plans, all occupants are expected to evacuate the building to the exterior when the fire alarm activates. Do not enter adjacent or connected buildings.


If the fire alarm system is active:

  1. Immediately evacuate the building using the nearest marked exit or exit stairwell. Do not use the elevators.  Exit directly to the outside of the building and do not re-enter the building on the 1st or ground floor.
  2. Once outside, follow the direction of first responders and move across the street, away from the building entrance.
  3. Individuals requiring evacuation assistance should go to the nearest marked exit stairwell and ask others to report their location to first responders. If they are in imminent danger, they should request evacuation assistance from others and call 911 to report their location. If unable to evacuate to the exterior of the building, seek shelter within a protected, marked exit stairwell.
  4. Do not re-enter the building until the “all clear” is given by emergency responders.

If the fire alarm system is not active:

  1. If you discover signs of fire, smoke, or other hazardous conditions, activate the building fire alarm system by activating the nearest fire alarm pull station.
  2. Evacuate the building following the instructions above.
  3. Call 911 to provide additional information about the emergency
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