Public Safety Policies


UMB Policy on Fire Safety

Public Safety   |   Approved June 11, 2001

Responsible VP/AVP

Dawn M. Rhodes, DBA, MBA

Revision History

Approved by the President, June 11, 2001

Policy Statement

I. Purpose

The 爆料公社 Baltimore is committed to preventing injuries, loss of life, property damage and interruptions to University operations due to fires. This policy outlines the basic elements of an effective fire safety program and defines areas of responsibility for University operating units and personnel.

II. Responsibilities
University Risk Management Committee
  1. The University Risk Management Committee has overall responsibility for review and recommendation of policies pertaining to fire safety. The University Risk Management Committee also makes recommendations concerning resolution of differences of opinion among University offices concerning fire safety issues.
  2. The University Safety and Health Committee refers to the Risk Management Committee any proposed fire safety related policies and procedures that are recommended by the University Safety and Health Committee, and refers to the Risk Management Committee any differences of opinion that cannot be resolved through the normal University management structure.
Schools and Operating Units

Each School and Operating Unit shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Require that all persons evacuate buildings in an orderly manner when the fire alarm is activated and verify evacuation.
  2. Require that its staff attend appropriate fire safety training.
Department of Environmental Health and Safety

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Designation of an individual or individuals to act as University Fire Marshall to develop, coordinate and administer a fire safety program.
  2. Develop emergency evacuation plans and conduct evacuation drills for all occupied University buildings.
  3. Conduct periodic audits of University buildings to determine whether they provide adequate protection from fire, and report audit findings in writing to the Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance for action to address concerns.
  4. Develop fire safety training and awareness programs aimed at providing University staff with information on fire prevention and proper response to any fires that may arise.
  5. Consult with the Office of Facilities Management on the design and testing of fire protection systems and other building design features that impact on fire safety.
  6. Develop programs to reduce the potential for fires and/or false alarms.
  7. Investigate fires to determine their causes and methods for preventing future fires.
  8. Review and approve all building and construction plans for renovation and construction projects for adherence to current fire and life safety codes.
  9. Function as the liaison with the Insurance Division of the State Treasurer's Office for all property damage or personal injury claims resulting from fire regardless of cause.
  10. Function as the University's liaison with the State Fire Marshall's Office and the Baltimore City Fire Department.
Department of Facilities Management

The Department of Facilities Management shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Ensure that renovation and construction projects are designed and constructed in accordance with applicable fire and life safety codes.
  2. Maintain all fire protection systems to be operational and functioning properly.
  3. Provide all building and construction plans for renovation and construction projects to the Department of Environmental Health and Safety for review and approval. Consult with the Department of Environmental Health and Safety on any issues related to fire and life safety.
  4. Resolve issues related to fire safety identified in periodic audits (see II.C.3).
Department of Public Safety

The Department of Public Safety shall be responsible for the following:

  1. Provide assistance and guidance during building evacuations and fire emergencies in accordance with its standard operating procedures.
  2. Function as the lead agency in any fire investigation if criminal activities are suspected. As necessary, assist the Department of Environmental Health and Safety in preparation of insurance claim related paperwork for any property damage or personal injury claim resulting from a fire regardless of cause.
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