Public Safety Procedures

Hot Work Procedures

Public Safety   |   Approved February 1, 2023


To prevent injury, loss of life, and loss of property from fire or explosion as a result of hot work at UMB.


Hot work includes all welding and allied processes, heat treating, grinding, thawing pipe, powder-driven fasteners, hot riveting, torch-applied roofing, and similar applications producing or using a spark, flame, or heat. Prior to starting work, all individuals performing hot work on the 爆料公社, Baltimore (UMB) campus must obtain an approved hot work permit.

The Office of the Fire Marshal (OFM) are permit authorizing individuals (PAI) for UMB and will perform spot checks of the hot work site and operating conditions. The OFM has the authority to revoke an approved permit or halt any hot work if any unsafe conditions are found. The hot work operator is responsible for complying with NFPA 51B, these procedures, and all conditions printed on the back of the hot work permit, which are also listed on the Office of the Fire Marshal’s website.


  1. The hot work operator must apply for a hot work permit from the Office of the Fire Marshal's website by completing the online Hot Work Permit request form. The request must be completed at least one business day before the hot work is scheduled to occur.
  2. The Office of the Fire Marshal will review the request and inspect the hot work site prior to issuing the permit. A paper permit will be issued to the requestor.
  3. A copy of the approved hot work permit must be posted at the hot work site.
  4. The hot work operator must examine all equipment to ensure it is in a safe operating condition.
  5. The hot work operator must ensure all combustible materials are relocated at least 35 ft away from the hot work area. If relocation is impracticable, combustible materials shall be shielded and openings and cracks in walls and floors shall be sealed.
  6. The hot work operator must provide a fully charged and operable fire extinguisher in the work area.
  7. The hot work operator shall take special precaution to prevent accidental activation of automatic fire protection and detection systems.
  8. The hot work operator may proceed with hot work after the items listed above have been completed.
  9. After conclusion of hot work, the hot work operator or a designee must perform a fire watch for at least 1 hour in order to detect and extinguish smoldering fires. The individual must comply with the UMB Fire Watch Procedures.
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